December 22, 2008

Graphic Design Branding

To create a “brand” for a company is to create their image, and to promote that image with campaigns and visuals. Working in branding allows a graphic designer or design firm to get involved with many aspects of the industry, from logo design to advertising to copywriting and slogans. The goal of a brand is to make a company unique and recognizable, and to project a desired image. Over time, a brand can make a company a household name, and identifiable by a simple shape or color. To create a brand for a company, a designer needs to fully understand the goals of the organization, the industry as a whole, and working with design to create the appropriate materials to represent that company.

Type of Work

When working in branding, a designer can expect to work in:

  • Logo design
  • Business card design
  • Letterhead design
  • Packaging
  • Copywriting
  • Writing slogans
  • Advertising design
  • Typeface design
  • Research
  • Marketing

Examples of Branding

Examples of branding are all around us. The NBC peacock, the UPS brown truck and Nike’s “just do it” are some of the most famous examples. They are so recognizable that we don’t need to hear a company name to know what they are. Online brands such as MySpace, Facebook and YouTube are more recently developed but now just as recognizable. Logos on your favorite products, the packaging they come in, and the slogans that represent them are all examples of branding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can i see some of your work?
i want to open a website about international clothing shop
and maybe i would like your help and advice for improving my website looks :)

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  • Your design services must be explained and must be prominent on your site and within your business. For example, if you want to register your site under designers category, but it has only one page of graphic design information or is predominantly related to interior design, it will not be added to this directory. A personal site with one page of design services information will not be accepted either. It must be obvious that your business is design and that you take your business seriously.
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  • Increase site traffic.
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too much contact form

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